Friday, January 6, 2017

Here’s Why You Suffer From Nausea After Eating ? and How to Stop It ? l MedicalPlus24

Having a feeling of nausea after intake will create mealtimes a worrying event. Of course, it’s possible to feel sickening at alternative times throughout the day. However, if, after each time you eat, you feel sick and queasy it may take the enjoyment out of intake. Along with a nauseated abdomen, you may have lightheadedness, gas, abdominal pain, and a general feeling of wanting to honk after intake.

There are several reasons for having a nausea when intake, and it’s not always to do with food. The nauseous feeling when intake may be connected with stress, a digestive downside, a stomach lesion, indigestion, or another medical condition. Of course, some of these reasons can cause you to feel sick at alternative times. However, if after each time you eat you are feeling sickening, should this be one thing for you to worry about?

In most cases, the feelings of nausea after intake isn’t something to fret regarding. There are additionally several effective home remedies that may facilitate to forestall or relieve the sickly feeling in your abdomen.

In this article, you will find out about the numerous causes of getting a nauseated abdomen when intake. You will additionally decide once you ought to see a doctor if you've got persistent nausea when finishing a meal.

Common Reasons for Nausea After intake

Identifying the underlying reasons for feeling nauseated when intake is the start in breakdown the unpleasant, sickly feeling. This information will facilitate you treat the causes of nausea and permit you to fancy your meals while not the fear of developing a sense of illness.

Food poisoning

Consuming contaminated food is a quite common reason for having a sick feeling in your abdomen when intake. Food can become contaminated by foodborne viruses, bacteria, or parasites. This usually happens if the food has been improperly handled, prepared in unhealthful conditions, or not cooked properly enough.

Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that the symptoms of food poisoning area unit nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramping and pains when intake. These unpleasant symptoms can seem among a few hours when intake contaminated food. However, in some cases, the symptoms can seem days or even weeks when overwhelming food containing germs and microbes.1

In most cases, it is possible to forestall malady and avoid its unpleasant symptoms by taking the right precautions once handling and change of state food. To find out a lot of on the way to treat symptoms of malady, please read my article on ways that to recover from malady quicker.


Gastroenteritis is typically referred to as the intestinal flu and it will cause you to feel sickening when intake. Gastroenteritis is caused by a microorganism or microorganism infection and causes inflammation in the gut resulting in symptoms kind of like malady. So, if you have been infected with a stomach bug, you may expertise abdominal cramping, vomiting, and watery stools after intake.

Dr. Tim Kenny on says that food poisoning causes some cases of stomach flu. Common stomach bugs that will cause nausea and illness when intake area unit E. coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter. You could additionally suffer from stomach flu when drinking contaminated water.2

The best thanks to prevent turning into sick with sickness} or spreading the disease to others is to often wash your hands, especially when mistreatment the rest room.


Gastritis is associate inflammatory condition of the abdomen lining that will cause nausea when intake. Gastritis is typically caused by the Helicobacter pylori microorganism which might injury the liner of the abdomen. Other causes of rubor area unit the overuse of alcohol, stress, chronic vomiting, and certain medications.3

Although rubor will cause nausea on and off at any time, the Medical University of South Carolina says that the abdomen discomfort and nausea sometimes happens when intake.4 on with the sickly feeling in your abdomen, you may expertise excessive gas, vomiting, and stomach pain.

If gastritis is caused by the H.Pylori bacteria, you can decide some natural ways that to treat helicobacter pylori infections naturally. Other reasons for having a bitter abdomen may be acid reflux, indigestion, or a peptic lesion.

Stomach (peptic) lesion

If you constantly have a sickening feeling each time when intake, it could be thanks to irritation caused by a abdomen lesion. Ulcers in the stomach area unit caused by the H.Pylori bacterial infection that grub away at the abdomen lining. The discomfort and nausea can return and go however is typically felt when intake a meal.

According to Dr. Gregory Thompson on WebMD, the most common symptoms of ulcers are bloating or nausea when intake, a burning sensation in your abdomen area, and pain around your belly. To get obviate the pain and nauseous feeling, you should treat the microorganism infection.

Taking baking soda and water can offer relief from the symptoms of a abdomen lesion. You should combine one/2 to 1 teaspoon of hydrogen carbonate in an exceedingly glass of water. The alkaline impact of baking soda helps to neutralize your abdomen acid that is irritating your inflamed abdomen lining. Drink the baking soda remedy on every occasion you are feeling nauseous when a meal. You can use the remedy daily for up to ten days.


Pregnancy is sometimes related to feelings of illness and nausea. However, in some women, certain foods will trigger feelings of nausea when intake.

A study into the causes of ejection and nausea in physiological condition found that changes in a pregnant women’s secretion levels might be related to nausea and vomiting when intake.5 In addition to it, Dr. Tim Kenny on says that some ladies notice that smells of bound foods will trigger nausea and ejection.6

If you are fazed with sickness throughout physiological condition, or you find that bound foods leave you with a nauseated abdomen and desirous to present, please read my article on the best natural remedies to prevent ejection.


A buildup of hardened digestive fluid within the bladder, or gallstones, can leave you feelings sick when intake. Gallstones are a terribly common condition and if they cause pain and discomfort, doctors usually suggest removing the bladder.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, the most common symptoms of gallstones are associate higher abdominal pain, which is accompanied  by nausea and ejection. They say that the symptoms often occur when having a meal.7

Drinking lemon water regularly is one manner to assist dissolve gallstones and cleanse the liver.

Acid reflux / heartburn

If you have a burning sensation in your stomach or chest and nausea when intake, it could be a symbol of pyrosis. Heartburn happens once acid from your abdomen escapes back up your gullet and causes irritation and a burning feeling. This is called reflux.

Dr. Melinda Ratini on WebMD says that acid reflux can cause symptom or dyspepsia. This is a general term for stomach discomfort and it causes nausea when intake, burping, bloating, and upper abdominal pain.8

To prevent pyrosis and also the feeling of nausea that would follow a meal, drink some aloe vera juice before your meal. You should drink 1/4 cup burn plant juice regarding twenty minutes before overwhelming your meal to forestall the symptoms of pyrosis and also the feeling of nausea when intake.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Some people World Health Organization have irritable gut syndrome (IBS) have feelings of desirous to present when intake bound foods. IBS is a complicated condition to manage and may interfere together with your systema alimentarium. It causes diarrhea, bloating, abdominal cramps, and constipation.

Researchers from the Harvard Medical School found that IBS will cause organic process issues that create it troublesome for the body to digest some foods. This can cause nausea, gas, heartburn, and cramping after eating these foods. For example, they say that consuming dairy products containing lactose can cause nausea and cramping as soon as 30 minutes after eating.9

I have already written about many natural ways to relieve symptoms of IBS on this website and you can find useful information in my articles. One of the most effective natural remedies is taking peppermint oil enteric-coated capsules.


During times of heightened anxiety, you may feel nauseous after eating a meal. Stress can play havoc with your digestive system and it can aggravate other underlying health conditions like ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, both of which can cause a feeling of nausea after eating.

A study published in the journal Cell and Tissue Research found that psychological stress can have a severe impact on your gastrointestinal function.10 This, of course, can cause nausea at any time but an upset stomach caused by stress can occur after eating. Also, a study on the effects of stress and the gut found that certain dairy products, caffeine, and alcohol, can cause symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in some people after consuming them.11

Learn how to manage anxiety and stress here.


Indigestion can be caused by having too much acid in your stomach, being overweight, pregnancy, or taking certain medications. If you have indigestion you will usually feel sick after eating a meal.

The National Health Service in the United Kingdom says that along with feeling nauseous after a meal, indigestion causes bloating, gas, and acid reflux. You also might not always have these symptoms immediately after finishing your meal. It could take some time after eating food that the symptoms of indigestion occur.12

Changing your eating habits is one of the natural ways to manage indigestion better. Try to eat in a relaxed environment and always chew your food well before swallowing.

Food allergies

One of the many symptoms of having a food allergy is feeling like you want to vomit after eating. Food allergies and intolerance to certain foods can affect people in different ways. Apart from nausea, they can cause hives, eczema, and digestive problems.

The World Allergy Organization states that a food allergy or intolerance can cause cramping, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea immediately after eating food. Sometimes, the symptoms could take up to 2 hours after eating the offending food.13

Effects of chemotherapy treatment

Chemotherapy treatment can induce persistent and frequent vomiting. It can be difficult if you are going through chemotherapy to keep food down and not feel nauseous after eating.

Dr. Jennifer Robinson on WebMD provides some helpful tips to help alleviate feelings of nausea and vomiting after eating.14 Some of these are:

Eat foods that are at room temperature because the smell of hot foods can make your nausea worse.
Avoid drinking beverages with your meal.
Eat food when you feel less nauseous.
Chew your food properly and eat slowly to prevent feeling nauseated after eating.
Avoid foods that are hard to digest, like spicy, fatty, and creamy foods.
When to See a Doctor

Feeling nauseous after eating a meal isn’t usually a symptom of a serious medical emergency. However, sometimes nausea can be a sign of a serious condition if it’s accompanied by these symptoms:15

Chest pains.
Severe abdominal cramping.
Dizziness and or fainting.
High fever and a stiff neck.
Vomiting blood or is green in color