Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Unwanted Facial Hair Removal Tips

Unwanted Facial Hair Removal Tips

Nikalnen abnormal hair on the face and body of women in the medical Hirsutism (Hirsutism) are grins | It was observed that individuals with blonde or dark hair pigmentation or pigmentation of hair on the body of the person | People nails and hair on all parts of the body except the eyes are | Similarly, women also have hair on the face | Women are embarrassing them due to unwanted hair on the face | Because the age of the women or the monthly closing (Menopause) from estrogen level (Estrogen) would also be a change of | Poly cystic ovarian syndrome due to get unwanted hair on the face (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome), hormonal conditions (Hormonal Condition), eat more prescription (Over Medications) or adrenal gland disorder (Adrenal Gland Disorder) can be |

The household measure of unwanted facial hair Nikalnen How To Remove Hair From Face Permanently At Home

1. Sugar Wax (Sugar Wax)

Nikalnen unwanted facial hair are the most simple and effective way to home |

Two tablespoons granulated sugar in a bowl (Sugar), a teaspoon of honey (Honey) and mix a teaspoon of water |

Microwave this mixture (Microwave), or by placing a half minutes on the stove and cook until the bubble (Bubble), and has become a mixture of brown (Brown) should be | Leave to cool then mix |
If the part of your face to clean the hair on the Sptula (Spatula) that help put the mixture |
Take a piece of cloth Wax Sugar (Sugar Wax) put on | Smooth the hair in the direction of the fabric of their Oogliyon leave |
Then remove the fabric by pulling in the direction of hair Ulti |
If the rest of the hair on the face, then repeat |
2. Besan (Chickpea Flour)

Face Pack Besan (Chickpea Flour Face Pack) by applying, your dead skin and removing dead hair that makes a clean skin |

In a bowl, two gram (chickpea flour), a spoon milk cream (Milk Cream), a half teaspoon of milk, and three-quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder (Turmeric Powder) Make a paste with | This thick paste (Thick Paste) by putting on your face, leave for 20 minutes or Suknen | Take a soft cloth in warm water and scrub the paste Bhingokr remove | This way at least three to four times in the month |
In a bowl of a gram (Chickpea Flour), half teaspoon yogurt (Yogurt), one-fourth of turmeric powder (Turmeric Powder) and ½ teaspoon rose water (Rose Water) got beaten Subscribe | Apply the mixture on your face, leave it for 20 minutes till | Scrub your face and then wash with water |
3. Green gram flour (Green Gram Flour) and rose water (Rose Water)

Green gram flour in a bowl two spoons (green gram flour), ½ teaspoon rose water (rose water) and a teaspoon of lime juice (lemon juice) together make a feint |
Apply this paste on your face, leave 20 to 25 minutes |
Scrub your face and then wash your face with water |
This method should be three to four times a week |
4. Shugaring (Sugaring)

Faces with natural treatment to remove body hair Shugaring (Sugaring) are | These alloys Technik centuries ago (Egypt) was written in | This technology is different from waxing | By pulling in the direction of the hair growth has resulted in the removal of hair and skin irritation reduces pain |

Add a quarter cup of warm water in a pan |
Then two cups granulated sugar (granulated sugar) and a quarter cup of lemon juice (lemon juice) Mix | Bubbles (bubble) to become the Heat this paste |
Simmer on medium heat stove now or leave approximately 25 minutes, until the dark should not |
His face a little corn flour (corn starch) or baby powder (baby powder) and sprinkle | Ulti your facial hair to grow again towards the lukewarm Lgalen paste |
Take a clean cotton cloth over the paste and sugar paste, leave for a few minutes |
A few minutes later, his face cloth and remove by pulling in the direction of hair growth |
5. Peppermint tea (Spearmint Tea)

Your body androgens (androgen) get extra hairs in your body becoming more | Hormone levels (hormone level) to control the peppermint tea (Spearmint Tea) can help |

Take a cup of water in a pot | The water a teaspoon dried mint (dried spearmint), join | If you have fresh mint leaf and put four to five leaf |
The vessels covered by the lid and allow approximately 5 to 10 minutes dewy Rhenen |
Drink a cup of tea in the Filter |
Drink twice daily |
6. Lemon juice (Lemon juice) and honey (Honey)

Due to the viscous properties, the fine hair on your face to remove the lime juice (lemon juice) and honey (honey) helps the Face Mask | Lemon juice cleanses your skin and hair soft honey that you are |

A teaspoon fresh lemon juice in a pot (fresh lemon juice) and four tablespoons honey (honey) Mix |
Put on your face, leave for 15 to 20 minutes |
Take a towel with warm water Bhingo | Then towel to wipe off your face mask Clean |
This method twice a week to a few months |

7. Egg (Egg), sugar (Sugar) and corn flour (Corn Flour)

An egg white in a bowl and squeeze the bust | A spoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of corn flour mixed to a feint |
Apply the mixture on your face, leave it for 15 to 20 minutes Suknen |
Then remove the mask from your face |
This method, or three to four times a week |
8. lentils face pack (Lentil Face Pack)

Face pack made from lentils to remove unwanted hair on your face are good face scrub |

Pisen half cup red lentils and filtered several times to make a fine powder |
Two teaspoons of the powder in a bowl lentils make enough milk or honey paste | The remaining powder lentils and place in airtight container |
Leave the paste for 15 minutes |
Apply this paste on your face and leave until 15 to 20 minutes |
Clean and scrub your face again |
In this way two or three times a week | If you skin once a week to surly |
In this beauty pack of sandal wood powder (Sandalwood powder), dried orange peel powder (dried orange peel powder), rose water (rose water) and potato juice (potato juice) may also supplement |
9. Haldi (Turmeric)

Turmeric powder in equal amounts in the pot (turmeric powder) and wheat flour (wheat flour) Mix | And enough sesame oil (sesame oil) and mix a thick paste (thick paste) make |
Apply this paste on your face, leave half hours | Clean and scrub the face |
This method once a week, or |
These are other ways to two teaspoons of turmeric powder in a pot (turmeric powder) enough milk or rose water to make a paste by mixing |
Apply this paste on your face, let dry |
Clean and scrub your face again |
10. Papaya (Papaya)

Papaya is a natural bleach (bleach) is used to detect and face helps reduce unwanted hair |

In a pot of raw papaya pulp (raw papaya pulp) Take half teaspoon of turmeric powder (turmeric powder) Make a paste by mixing |
Gentle massage with this paste on your face and leave for 15 to 20 minutes |
Then wash your face with water |
The second way is that half a cup of papaya pulp in a pot (papaya pulp) and a teaspoon of milk and mix Take |
Apply this paste on the face, leave for 10 minutes |
Then wash your face with water |