Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Weather Effects On Skin l Tips To Overcome

Each season of the skin requires different care | Has much more impact on the skin of season | In the winter it can be dry in summer the oil is flowing | Therefore, knowing the nature of your skin according to his proper care tips below you will also find all-weather skin is glowing 

1. General skinned man or woman, baby soap and cold water in the summer, always wash your face |
2. In the summer, oily skin (Oily Skin) and become sticky, so these days, even in summer, a 'medicinal soaps (Aromated Soap)' and should use ice packs should be applied before makeup |
3. surly drawn-drawn appears to have skin in the summer, so any slight Maiscraijr find these days on the skin |
4. What have ridges on the skin in the winter are rude, so these days, lime juice, glycerin and rose water in equal quantity on the open part of the body and keep twice | It will also clean the skin and patinated (Glowing) will also stop the skin cracking |
5. Mix equal quantity of sandalwood oil, coconut oil and apply it on the skin, wash with water after ten minutes Kunkune | Dry skin relief from the dryness |
6. Pink coolness on the body, especially the rude-as lemon skin, rubbing and rubbing turmeric on the one hand there is moisture in the skin, the skin can become balsamic |
7. dryness of the skin to remove the equal quantity of rose water and olive oil and mix it a little raw milk | With soft hands and rub it on the skin | Ten minutes later Kunkune make bath |
8. rude every morning in the winter when the skin after bathing using baby oil to bring in |
9. surly winter orange peel skin by rubbing it on a new aura occurs not only in the body, but the body also comes in drag |
10. The most effective way is rude to the skin in winter, sunny day in the olive or almond oil massage and a warm bath from lacquers |
11. Special care for oily skin in the winter is not required, even if these days carrot and tomato juice on the face at night when applied to the face to face will eliminate excess fat |
Oil-free moisturizer on oily skin in the winter 12. Find |
13. sunny morning got up half an hour before tea with empty hands full body massage | Additional oil out of the body naturally and gradually will remain greasiness |
14. Special care is required in the winter of normal skin | Use moisturizer for Badamayukt |
15. Use lemon on normal skin is also very profitable |
16. winter rich green vegetables, fruits, milk, a variety of fruits consumption nourishes the skin and makes it Abduct |
17. In the winter season as quickly as possible, use carrots and spinach |
18. For normal skin in winter, gram flour, turmeric, lemon juice and raw milk by making a paste and then rub on the skin should be warm bath |

20. In the summer the skin on the face for ten minutes surly imposed honey is very effective |
21. While taking a bath in the face and the body retain moisture faint fragrance oil to enter any four drop | The skin moisture and freshness throughout the day and will remain |
22. Those surly Skin Moisturizer baby harness is better these days |
23. to put on summer skin glycerin, lemon, rose water in equal portions and keep the mix a vial | Find all skin twice a day |
24. Since the lifeless skin appears to surly, so these days should be consumed more than fruit juices and salad AND also plentiful should |
25. Do not cause skin atrophy, one hour prior to bathing malt vinegar and mixed with almond oil and apply it on the body |
26. In the summer and even oily skin is oily, because these days, the oil glands are over-stretched-drawn-C | So whose skin is oily, at least four times a day Wash your face with an antiseptic soap |
27. In the summer should not use more liquid beverages |
28. Summer sweat more oily skin and therefore, twice the regular cold water bath, in the armpits and on the whole body and limbs good Deodorant Use Find behind the aromatic powder | This freshness is likely to continue throughout the day and also will avoid the smell of sweat |
29. Those oily skin sunscreen lotion before going out in the sun should be |
30. oily skin and acne are not on it, so it is next to impossible, so to get rid of Munches gram flour, turmeric, red sandalwood powder equal portions of the fine dried orange and lemon peels AND a bottle of fine powder Mix equal quantity of soil in place and Multan also add fine powder | While taking a bath in the rouge rose water everyday on face for ten minutes twice a day with a face wash in cold water | In a month will face Immaculate | This recipe was tested with successful results is |
31. In the summer of the body to get more oil out of the body